New Podcast Episode - EP 31 - How Do You Do Safety?

Flight Test Safety Committee Podcast Channel - EP 31 - How Do You Do Safety?

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This month I spoke with Steve Bush and Stan Swan from the Columbia Aviation Association (CAA) and talked about one of the approaches they have to improving flight safety.  You can learn more about the CAA in the link below.

Home - Columbia Aviation Association (

Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play, and Amazon Music: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - EP27 - Rise of the Valkyrie - First flight of the XB-70

This month we expand our look back in aviation history on the anniversary of the last flight of the XB-70 Valkyrie. We will talk about this amazing aircraft and hear from the pilot who flew the first flight.

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SETP Oral History Videos

Al White Wikipedia Bio


Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play, and Amazon Music: FTSCChannel

Flight Test Safety Fact 22-02

Words have the power of life and death.  With a single word, we can command the abort of a dangerous flight test maneuver, but the power of our words extends beyond the cockpit and the control room to the cubicle and conference room.  We must engage in the kind of discussions that some would characterize as conflict, because it makes our arguments stronger, and it helps us fight for unity.  

As we begin a fourth year of the Flight Test Safety Fact, we issue the same challenge issued in the first edition:  Your words matter.  We need them.  

We want your opinions and your responses.  We want to hear how you are implementing lessons learned at your workplace.  After you read Rod Huete's op-ed, your thoughts on subjective probability and 2D risk matrix are important.  Whether you send us an email or hold a discussion during a lunch-and-learn, we want to know.

There's a good chance that the subtle humor in this email won't mean the same thing to everyone, but to the average reader, we think you'll find something to talk about inside this month's newsletter.


Mark Jones Jr.

For added convenience and security, you can download the newsletter here.

Flight Test Safety Fact 22-04

What is the first thought that goes through your mind when you read about a flight test accident? 

That's probably the kind of question we all feel comfortable asking, but do we ever consider what goes through our hearts when we read the same headline? As humans we have an emotional response, and in this month's edition I discuss both questions.  The second thing that should go through our minds is the probability that this kind of thing would happen, and I explain what I mean subjectively about the topic.  

You'll also find information about Flight Test Safety Workshop registration, and this month we also share two previously published web-based resources that help both our hearts and our minds when we do hear about an aircraft crash.  

Send your ideas and opinions, responses and replies, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  


Mark Jones Jr.

New Podcast Episode - EP26 Simulator Mission Rehearsals

This month we will take a stroll to the lake while we discuss the value of rehearsing flight test missions in a simulator linked to a control room. Great Idea- sure, Common Lesson Learned- absolutely, written into policy or mandated in requirements...well... #flighttestsafety #FTSCchannel

Listen and share your thoughts with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Sea Dart Flight Footage

Sea Hunt Episode 1

Backyard Bear Encounter

Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play, and Amazon Music: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - EP29 Bell V-280 Lessons Learned

This month we talk with Mat McMenemy and Don Grove from Bell about Lessons Learned on the Bell V-280 program and in our look back in history we talk about Neil's Cross Country Flight.

Matt McMenemy is the Verification Manager for Bell on the V-280 / Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program. 

Don Grove is the Military Chief Pilot for Bell and lead test pilot on the V-280 Valor program.

Bell V-280 Links 
V-280 Valor website:

Following Historic Development and Flight Test Program Bell V-280 Valor Focuses on FLRAA Competition 

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 Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play, and Amazon Music: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - EP25 A Chat with Sting (Part 2)

This month we head back to Trader Sam's and finish our chat with Mike "Sting" Wallace as he reflects on flight testing, lessons learned and his time as President of SETP.

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Flight Test Safety Fact 21-12

December is finally here, and we are bringing you an early present, the final issue of Flight Test Safety Fact for 2021.

This issue has headlines from the past year, recommendations for podcasts, and even an award winning symposium paper.  It also has a lot of conversation starters, as you will see inside.  We’ll bring one of those conversations next month too, to start the new year right.

Turbo reflects on his attendance at the SETP symposium, and if you still don’t know how to subscribe to our podcast, read the last page, because you won’t want to miss Turbo’s interview with Sting.

Send your comments – we think you’ll have some; and send suggestions for the future.


Mark Jones Jr.

For added convenience and security, you can download the newsletter here.

New Podcast Episode - EP24 A Chat with Sting Michael Wallace

This month we catch up on location in Southern California with Mike "Sting" Wallace as he reflects on flight testing, lessons learned and his time as President of SETP.

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, Google Play, and Amazon Music: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - EP23 Risk and High Visibility Events: Listener Feedback

This month we are trying something new.  An episode built almost exclusively from listener feedback on our topic of High Visibility Events and the unique risks that go along with them. #flighttestsafety #FTSCchannel

Super Bowl 30 Halftime Show Video:

NASA Shuttle Video:

NASA Paper:

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - EP22 - Interview with Rich Lee – With Everyone Watching, Risk and High Visibility Events (Part 2)

This month we continue our interview with Rich Lee as he talks about some of the unique challenges and surprises flying a helicopter into a football stadium for the Super Bowl 30 Halftime Show. #flighttestsafety #FTSCchannel

Check out the video here:

Rich Lee's Bio: (Direct Download Link)

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play: FTSCChannel

Flight Test Safety Fact 21-09

Ever wonder what life is like as a hang glider test pilot? (I’m not sure I had that particular thought, but I’ve often imagined what it would be like to fly a hang glider.)  This month’s feature article is written by a hang glider test pilot, one who has presented at SETP symposia before.  His topic this month hearkens back to a paper he presented (one you can download from the SETP website), but it incorporates his application of an idea found in a previous edition of this newsletter.

One company test safety manager also responded with an example of how he was using the same topic from a past newsletter in his bi-weekly safety meeting discussion.  

So to summarize: that’s reader feedback and participation in this medium that links to flight test safety resources in our other media and discussion inside yet another company.  *This* is exactly the kind of synergy that we intend to cultivate in our community.  So I’m delighted, and the topic also scratches my technical itch.

I hope you find the same utility in this month’s Flight Test Safety Fact, and if you have a question or idea, I hope you too send us your response or article.


Mark Jones Jr.

For added convenience and security, you can download the newsletter here.

New Podcast Episode - EP21 - Interview with Rich Lee – With Everyone Watching, Risk and High Visibility Events (Part 1)

This month we take a look at the risk involved in high visibility events.  And what better high visibility event than a Super Bowl halftime show watched my millions of people.  Join my guest Rich Lee and I as we discuss his experience landing a helicopter during the Super Bowl 30 halftime show...

Check out the video here:

Rich Lee's Bio: (Direct Download Link)

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play: FTSCChannel

New Podcast Episode - Talk With CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret), Author and Commander for 5 Space Shuttle Missions (Part 2)

Flight Test Safety Committee Podcast Channel – New Episode - Talk With CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret), Author and Commander for 5 Space Shuttle Missions

This month we finish our interview with CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret) and NASA Astronaut talking about trigger steps, questions he pondered with his space shuttle crew like "How do we prevent all errors?" and discuss using lessons learned.  Also, This Week in Aviation look-back, upcoming events, and more so find us on your favorite podcast site.

You can find CAPT Wetherbee's bio and link to his website below.

Jim Wetherbee Bio & Website

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play: FTSCChannel

Flight Test Safety Fact 21-07

The US is about to celebrate our Independence Day, which is an event that is part of our culture but also a sign that its peak growing season for corn and soybean and every other crop that drones are sensing all over the world (if you believe the headlines).  Both of those things appear prominently throughout this issue in conversations about culture. 

If you are keeping track of fashion trends, you’ll find one parenthetical about Turbo’s provocative clothing, but more importantly, there is also a trip down memory lane for Turbo… twenty years since Mission X.  Curious: look inside this edition for Turbo Talk.

You’ll also find some notes from our most recent podcast and a link to videos from the Flight Test Safety Workshop. 

Hopefully, the extra time off should give you time to digest everything in this issue, on the website, and maybe even to send us a email.


Mark Jones Jr.

For added convenience and security, you can download the newsletter here.

New Podcast Episode - Talk With CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret), Author and Commander for 5 Space Shuttle Missions

Flight Test Safety Committee Podcast Channel – New Episode - Talk With CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret), Author and Commander for 5 Space Shuttle Missions

This month, in addition to our regular this week in aviation lookback and a quick update on the Monarch migration, we talk with CAPT Jim Wetherbee, USN (Ret), NASA Astronaut and Director and author of the book "Controlling Risk in a Dangerous World". You can find CAPT Wetherbee's bio and link to his website below.

Jim Wetherbee Bio & Website

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Available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play: FTSCChannel