Have you subscribed to the podcast yet? Most of us can walk a mile in 15 minutes. If you are cooped up at home doing telework, you probably need to anyway, so why not listen to the podcast while you do. Please subscribe to the new Flight Test Safety Podcast on the Apple or Google podcast app. You can also navigate directly to the recording in a web browser. Last, but not least, tell a friend. Help us Reach Everyone.
Inside this month's issue, the Flight Test Safety Committee cordially invites you to attend the free vFTSW (virtual Flight Test Safety Workshop) and shares the lineup of speakers and topics. It includes a link to the registration for the workshop.
Tom Huff also shares resources at the intersection of the novel coronavirus and aviation, explaining where you can find them on our website. Then he pulls tight on the "bowline of SMS," an analogy from his days as the skipper, but a poignant one reminding us to keep the ball moving downfield in our SMS efforts.
Before you know it, AI will be part of our safety critical systems, and that's what we share in the last column. There you'll find a brief introduction to a speaker from a recent Symposium: Megan Burk discussed the necessity to formally and rigorously prepare test and evaluation professionals for aerospace autonomous systems. She has agreed to allow us to share the video of her talk, and you will find a link to the audio and video herein.
As always, share this newsletter (virtually, so you can maintain the appropriate physical distance) and send questions, comments, or ideas.
Mark Jones Jr.
PS For added security and convenience, you can download the pdf and access the video or audio here.